Bus Stop Change Requests

Requests are answered in the order they are received after the second full week of school in September. Any major changes or rerouting will be communicated to those affected through School Messenger alerts. 

Bus stop sites are selected as central locations for multiple households. As much as possible, neutral street corner sites are utilized. It is the parent/guardian responsibility to get their student to the stop at least 10 minutes prior to scheduled bus arrival. For drop off, an approved adult must be present to meet kindergarten, preschool and students with special needs

MTPS uses tiered routes. This means that a route begins with either high school or middle school students. After they are dropped off at their school, upper elementary students are then picked up. Finally, elementary students are then picked up and transported to the elementary schools. This equates to 262 routes, all of which are developed by the transportation office.

We do allow for a change in a current bus stop for:

A Compelling Safety Reason. Bus stops that are in neighborhoods with posted speed limits of 35 mph or under and have a clear line of sight for the approaching bus are seldom changed. We do not change a stop due to view obstruction from the home or potential weather conditions. All request for changing a stop due to safety concerns will be inspected before a decision is made.

An individual student drop off location. A signed request from all households involved in the change request will be necessary after the initial request is reviewed.

Bus Stop Change Request

Bus Stop Change Request Form







Once you complete and submit your request, you will receive a confirmation email


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