Administration Building
803 North Stanwick Road
(856) 778-6600
Superintendent: Dr Courtney McNeely
Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction and Innovation: Dr. Karen Benton
Business Administrator / Board Secretary: James Heiser
Director of Human Resources, Inclusion and Diversity: Carole Butler
Director of Educational Technology and Innovation: Jeffrey Arey
Director of Special Education: Dr. David Tate
Confidential Administrative Assistants:
- Superintendent - Erin Hernick ext. 18001
- Curriculum, Instruction and Innovation - Brianna Leary ext. 18020
- Business Administrator - Rebeccas Ostroski ext. 18150
- Human Resources, Inclusion and Diversity - Roseanna McMasters ext. 18260
Administrative Staff:
- Senior Accountant: Kimberly Brahl
- Payroll/Benefits/Pension/Attendance Coordinator: Apryle Fox
- EDC Program Coordinator: Ibis Nevarez
- Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds: Wilson Quintero
- Supervisor of Transportation: Sandy Schaefer
District Principals:
Moorestown High School: (856) 778-6610
Principal Andrew Seibel
Assistant Principals Shawn Counard and Mariah Jackson
350 Bridgeboro Road
William Allen Middle School: (856) 778-6620
Principal Cheri Caravano
Assistant Principal Ryan Kent
801 North Stanwick Road
Moorestown Upper Elementary School:(856) 793-0333
Principal Dr. Lindsay Jablonski
Assistant Principals Michael D'Ascenzo and Gavin Quinn
325 Borton Landing Road
George C. Baker Elementary School: (856) 778-6630
Principal Michele Rowe
139 West Maple Avenue
Mary E. Roberts Elementary School: (856) 778-6635
Principal Brian Carter
290 Crescent Ave.
South Valley Elementary School: (856) 778-6640
Principal Heather Hackl
210 South Stanwick Road
- Arts and Technology: Patricia Rowe
Visual & Performing Arts
Business & Careers
Educational Technology/Computers
Technology Education
- Guidance Services: Kat D'Ambra
- Humanities: Roseth Rodriguez
Social Science
World Languages
- Language Arts: Jaqueline Brownell
Media Center
- Math: Julie Colby
- Physical Education and Health: Joseph McColgan
- Science 6-12: Gavin Quinn
- Secondary Special Education: Francisco Santiago
- Elementary Special Education: Leslie Wyers
- Elementary Programming: Dr. Michele Hassall