Business & Finance

School Business Admin/Board Secretary: James Heiser ext. 18150 
Responsible for the administration of district financial matters, information technology, plant custodial and maintenance programs, school construction projects, legal issues, food service, and student transportation. 
Confidential Administrative Assistant: Rebeccah Ostroski  ext. 18150 
Provides secretarial support to the School Business Administrator.  Produces board agenda and minutes.  Determines free and reduced lunch eligibility. 
Senior Accountant:  Kimberly Brahl ext. 18162 

Junior Accountant Stephanie Menoutis ext. 18163
Bookkeeper:  Angela DiBiase ext. 18200 
Responsible for collecting and recording accounts receivable, special education billing and disbursements,  bookkeeping for student funds and the child nutrition program, reconciling bank accounts, assisting with accounts payable and facility use coordination. 
Payroll/Benefits/Pension/Attendance Coord.: Apryle Fox ext. 18165 
Responsible for producing semi-monthly payroll for 600+ employees which includes state and federal required reporting and disbursement of withholdings; coordinating health benefits, and attendance. 
Business Office Asst.: Rebecca Thompson  ext. 18168 
Responsible for purchase order production and accounts payable processing for 6 schools and administration.

Financial Reports from the NJ DOE Website
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Auditor's Management Report (AMR) District Report Search