Contact Information

District Email, Telephone, and Mail Policy
We strive to be available to you, and to both contact you and address your concerns in a timely manner. However, please be aware that various teachers are shared with other district schools, and therefore teachers might not be in the building to check their mail or access their email daily. Often, teachers do not check their mail until lunch or after school. We ask that you be understanding of our need to both contact you and teach your children.
To contact a staff member by email put their first initial in front of their last name, remove apostrophes, and add to the end. For example John J D'oe-Smith Jr. would be "[email protected]
You may also look at our District-Wide Staff Directory.

District Buildings Contact Information

Administration Building
803 North Stanwick Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(856) 778-6600

George C. Baker Elementary School
(Grades K-3)
139 W. Maple Avenue
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(856) 778-6630

Upper Elementary School
(Grades 4-6)
325 Borton Landing Rd
Moorestown , NJ 08057
(856) 793-0333

Mary E. Roberts Elementary School
(Grades K-3)
290 Crescent Avenue
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(856) 778-6635

William W. Allen Middle School
(Grades 7-8)
801 North Stanwick Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(856) 778-6620

South Valley Elementary School
(Grades K-3)
210 South Stanwick Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(856) 778-6640

Moorestown High School
(Grades 9-12)
350 Bridgeboro Road
Moorestown, NJ 08057
(856) 778-6610

Emergency School Closings:
School Closings will be posted on the District's homepage and notified to local TV and radio stations
School Radio Broadcast District Closing # 653
Special Law Enforcement Officer (MHS)
Phone: (856) 778-6610 ext. 12225 fax: (856) 900-6011
Local Police
(856) 235-0130
District Website Administrator: [email protected]