Welcome to NutriServe
Student School Menus
School Student Menus can be viewed on the Schoolcafe website or the Schoolcafe App
To view the menus, you need to sign in as a guest or click on the above Schoolcafe website link which will bypass the signin screen.
At this time, there is no need to create an account with Schoolcafe. You cannot add students to your Schoolcafe account.
Cafeteria Deposits
Make a Cafe Deposit on Lunchtime Parent Payment Portal
Parent Payment Portal Instructions
Food Restrictions
If you would like to place food restrictions on your student's cafe account, please email your student's school kitchen.
MHS - [email protected]
WAMS - [email protected]
UES - [email protected]
Baker - [email protected]
Roberts - [email protected]
South Valley - [email protected]