
Course Description and Fundamental Concepts:

The counseling program is a proactive and preventative approach that plays a key role in assisting students in developing skills necessary to be functioning and contributing members of society. In today's global economy, students need to be lifelong learners who have the knowledge and skills to adapt to an evolving workplace and world. To address these demands, Standard 9, 21st Century Life and Careers, which includes the 12 Career Ready Practices, establishes clear guidelines for what students need to know and be able to do in order to be successful in their future careers and to achieve financial independence. 

The American School Counselor Association Standards for personal/social, academic and career development, are used as a guide. Within the ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors, the 35 ASCA Standards are arranged within categories and subcategories based on five general categories of non-cognitive factors including persistence, resilience, grit, goal-setting, help-seeking, cooperation, conscientiousness, self-efficacy, self-regulation, self-control, self-discipline, motivation, mindsets, effort, work habits, organization, homework completion, learning strategies and study skills, among others.

1. Growth Mindset - An awareness and acceptance of personal characteristics, aptitudes, interests, goals, abilities, skills, values and physical traits. A sense of self-worthiness and self-identity through positive thoughts, feelings, attitude and thankfulness.

2. Recognizing and Respecting Individual Differences/Similarities - An awareness, respect, acceptance and/or tolerance of individuals who have similar and/or different values, opinions, looks, beliefs, cultures, customs, abilities, race, etc.

3. Relationships - The ability to establish personal and caring relationships with peers, family members, authority figures, community members, etc. The ability to recognize the qualities of a friend (cooperation, honesty, caring , sharing, manners, listening, etc.). The ability to cope with peer conflict, peer pressure, sibling rivalry, authority figures and parental figures.

4. Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Problem Solving/Communication - Strategies used to aid in the ability to make decisions, solve problems, handle pressure, utilize refusal skills, resolve conflict, express ideas, consider consequences and reach goals. The ability to seek and identify available resources.

5. Career Planning and Workplace Readiness Skills/Self-Management - Demonstrate the ability to work individually and/or cooperatively in groups. Recognize interests, abilities, and skills. Demonstrate productive work habits (responsibility, neatness, organization, attitudes, dependability, promptness, being prepared, perseverance, accepting constructive criticism, initiative, effort, patience, self-control). Set short and long term goals.

6. Emotions and Behaviors - An awareness of one's own and others' emotions. An awareness of how emotions affect behavior and vice versa. Develop coping skills, resilience and grit. Develop responsibility and accept consequences for one's emotions and behaviors. Recognize socially acceptable behaviors. Setting limits for our emotions and behaviors.